Saturday, March 10, 2018

Are We Having Fun Yet?

The digestive matters seem to have changed again without any action on new doctor's part other than ordering some tests which will not have results until next week, but the body seems mostly back to the way it was for the past couple or few years with a nagging but hopefully not serious ailment. Hopefully the new doctor will be able to address that. Last night was the usual fun with an asterisk, or perhaps a caveat, as the last remaining survivors from the game group that first formed more than a decade ago have their oddities and quirks (some early to bed, some don't even like to play, but visit, some need to be coddled for one reason or another) that require a lot of tolerance, even losing on purpose due to fragile egos, but yes, we have much fun in our own odd and special ways. Compromise is life, if you want to be happy.

Falling asleep fulling clothed (including jacket) at sunrise cuz it is 60 degrees indoors here, waking quite chilled and ready for a hot shower. Kind of like luxury camping, except not as clean. Life is an adventure if you make it so. So make it so.

As usual, I welcome you to share any part of yours, in case it matters.

Narf :)

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