Sunday, March 11, 2018

How Many Posts?

Posts, entries, whatever we call them, how many have you missed? So much information about me, this life I live, the universe and all sorts of bit and pieces that anyone wanting to know me could have in the minute or two it would take to read an entry... information I might deem vital to the continued existence of the species, or at least me... it's out here. No one would know you were though and all evidence points to the phrase nobody knows it but me (though the lyrics don't all fit, still I relate). And so it goes, and you... are you even there?

The show, The Lion King was pretty good, not great. The acoustics were poor at best. There was little clarity either due to acoustic distortion or an ensemble that articulated poorly. Very disappointing. Sitting in the middle of the upper balcony did not help the experience. That is where this group of friends sit due to costs. Dinner was expensive, but very good. We stopped for dessert afterward. Everyone was ready for bed at midnight.

Do I ask for too much?

Narf :)

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