Sunday, March 11, 2018

Must Be Optimism

A cynical sort would chuckle and consider the possibility that optimism is such a rare experience that the title suggests an unfamiliarity, but perhaps it simply refers to the fact that my possibly dead post has been moved to December 1, 2020. Explanations have been made previously and surely will follow, somewhere, but for now, the day went something like this.

Woke up, got out of bed, don't own a comb so I shook my head. dressed and headed for softball where I did the ratings all day with a disturbing game slipped in the middle. The disturbing part was a know-it-all player who seldom shows up to play but then tries to tell everyone what to do and disturbed the peace and fun by blaming all of her mistakes and errors on others, focusing on the negative, and playing very inconsistently which throws everyone off. Otherwise the day was lots of fun. After softball I called Sarducci and invited him to dinner because I saw a text about him having a bad day. Tinman and Harpo joined us. Then it was back here and laundry is in the washer and here I am writing this just for you. In case it matters.

Hope you had more fun than frustration in your day, and good night :)

Narf :)

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