Friday, April 27, 2018


Some days all you can do is set the cruise control and let the schedule take you where it was set to go. So I got as much done as I could at the desk and closed the files and computer safely and picked it up and headed out the door to the Fire Training Center, getting there with minutes to spare to fine about twenty trainee fire fighters all excited about defensing driver training. I am being quite sarcastic about the excited part. The training went well, mostly. The only female in the room seemed more interested in flirting with the guy sitting next to her than paying attention and I had to reminder her that an Assistant Chief's daughter should be setting the example for respect and disciple. I'll joke about it with her dad one of these days. Finishing up early, I headed here to throw a wash in the washer and am now out return the county car, pick up my car, pick up some dryer sheets at the store, and have a fun night doing laundry. Yes, sarcasm again. It has to be done, ya know?

How are you spending your Friday evening?

Narf :)

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