Friday, April 20, 2018


Are you thoroughly amazed yet? This is nothing. Reach back into the archives of the previous daily and you'll find months with three hundred or more entries. Remember operation paper clip? Well, you wouldn't believe all the data gathered in video game arcades. Where do you think the military recruits their best and brightest. Almost as much an oxymoron as military intelligence. As if there is anything intelligent about improving killing people or species suicide. Very disappointing.

Also, after getting a good night sleep to be ready for the start of the Friday night softball league, I found out that my Friday night softball team is not playing this season. Realizing that leaves me with just one softball game a week for the next few months, I was severely disappointed and poised on the abyss of depression. Life just seems to be pointing toward wasting away and death with every passing year no matter what. Swimming against the current just get more and more challenging.

Just keep swimming.

Narf :)

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