Friday, April 13, 2018

Four Day Week

This week was a four day work week. Last week was a three day work week. The week before was a four day work week. Next week is gonna feel like a long work week. Taking the time off proves it is not working that fatigues me, it is life. Life with less sleep than the body and mind needs to be optimal. Still, somehow, I have energy tonight. I am motivated to clean the room. It's been a while, the clutter is ridiculous, so in a few hours (or however long it takes), this space may just be less cluttered. And laundry may be done. So much laundry. Including sheets. Everything. Maybe even vacuum, if Eb wakes up. Leaving work to get here to find him asleep is getting old. The filth is getting older. So time to clean, clear tables, put things where they belong, and maybe feel just a little bit healthier in this foul space.

In case it matters.

Narf :)

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