Monday, April 30, 2018

Here I Am Again On My Own

Yup, moping around about being lonely can only last for so long, but oh the damage it can do. Three days of cutting calories and exercise were wiped out by two piggish meals this weekend (last night at the the Chinese Buffet and this afternoon with Taco Bell in the car and they really ought to give me some advertising money for all the business I am bringing them la la la) and I really must stop that pity-party eating. My blood pressure is probably skyrocketing and live is getting shorter every day. Still, it turns me on and the words flowed into a few different places tonight. From some serious reviewing my medical matters (maybe I'll get some help from the doctor this week) to a slightly more irreverent view of the subject to a completely off topic philosophical piece that came out asI pondered my navel and my poor reaction to this softball day on beauty and happiness and writing, a bit, for that matter. The latter giving me hope that the worst of the food indulgence may have passed and I might get back to serious diet and exercise health care this week. Oh course getting sleep would be a start.

There's always hope.

Narf :)

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