Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Work Lunch, Again

We eat out a lot at work, almost once a week, which certainly does not help my budget. I walked 5,000 steps this morning before going to my desk. I stood for half an hour before sitting down because I was perspiration needed to dry as much as possible before I sat down. Working standing was slower because I do not have a standing desk, but it was possible. Good to know in case these walkings happen again and they better or I will not meet this week's goal because softball is dying. Meanwhile, lunch changed places due to the lack of planning and not enough seats (you'd think someone would get the idea that reservations help). The bossy co-worker was especially snippy today. Enough for the boss to call her on it. We took three cars for four people to lunch. She's a strange one. Seems to resent me being there, like I am intruding on her space or something. We ended up at Applebee's and I had Thai Shrimp Salad, ok, not great, but hopefully fewer calories. You never know when you order salad out because some places put a thousand calories worth of dressing on a salad. The menu said 410 calories. Better than most of the other menu items I might have ordered. I resisted the appetizers mostly because a few others swarmed them so fast. I should thank them.

Anyway, back to work, hi ho.

Narf :)

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