Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Body Wakes Again

No kidding, the body thoughts blog says so. While we are on the subject, there are several (more than several) tabs open reminding me that there are other blogs and I have not recorded the writings in the table of contents blog yet. The new blogger dashboard allows blog posts to get lost way too easily as it only brings the last three blogs to the top and some of us have more than three blogs that we used regularly for different purposes vital to national security, the survival of the human species, and the continuation of the universe, at least. Yeah, it's that big a paradigm shift. In case it matters. You really are missing out when you choose to stop keeping in touch, ya know? Just check the last few (thousand) entries.

Don't believe me? Don't care? Well, here are three that are not visited very often, but oh the amazing stories they might hold. Right here in this daily blog, this makes #103 for the month, at least. Did I mentioned I opened the window for the first time in more than two years?

There were more, I promise, but I don't have time to try to find them on the blog list at the moment so those entries may never be recorded in the table of contents and we can consider them hidden tracks, or something like that. As if anyone is finding the tracks not hidden.

Smokey Robinson, where are you?


Narf :)

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