Friday, April 6, 2018

Background TV Babblink

Watching some CBS shows for the first time in over a month because the website does not work right and they apparently haven't gotten it fixed even now. It takes longer to find shows I have not watched, which makes the site more avoidable and less enjoyable. I'll only watch when I have time to waste searching for the shows already marked as shows I like. They keep putting "next" shows I don't watch in front of me which is even more annoying.

Really bad web design, CBS.

Meanwhile, while the shows were on I did this and it is the epitome of nonsense containing links to profoundly random (or randomly profound) links. In this case I did not reach the level of serious irreverence that would be called a masterpiece, so lets call it minor pieces. Maybe you remember when daily blogs go rogue. I don't think the current one is doing that, but sometimes explosive mental diarrhea just seeps out. Shhhh, have fun with it or ignore it.

Now, much needed sleep.

Narf :)

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