Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Morning, Noon, and Night (Missing the Noon)

Seems the pattern is a morning and nighttime entry most every day lately, but only the rare nooner and evening post. It could have been magic. If you listened. If you heard. If you believed. If you understood. If you shared. If you cared. If it mattered. So we had a ton of fun winning and the energy was great (being on is so euphoric), but the bed was still lovely at night and the heart and mind continue to float out past where no one seems to be able (or willing or wanting to) find me (ever since I stopped luring people close to what no one ever seemed to get, whatever is in the core. Only the fearless harmless honest need even try.

A long day, 7-9, 14 hours, at least. A lot done at the desk. Must move more. Tomorrow I've got to fake it through the third monthly meeting as I did not motivate enough people to respond and do their part between the last meeting and this one. I'll take the hit, as I did not make time to email more than once and I did not sit down with the person who volunteered to be team leader and she is waiting for me to explain what she has to do. She was the only volunteer. I think she'll be great, PhD and lots of energy and positive healthy perspective.

So I ate at the local Chinese buffet that I had not been to in a couple of months and so far, results are reasonably good. I'll go for the test in a couple of days. Chips and dip for dinner with chocolate milk and water. No cooking tonight, ignoring the space outside the bedroom. Tired of explaining why. Listening to music and writing. Sleep soon, if wisdom overcomes the excitement of music and writing. Lonely, as usual, still hopeful and believing.

Someday, someone will get me.

Narf :)

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