Sunday, April 8, 2018

Luke-Warm Showers

It has been more than a since I moved into this place where the showers are luke-warm at best and prior to that, wow, more than two years since I lived in a place where I could unpack most of my stuff and even before that, there were remnants of living like a refugee going back more than two decades and when I really think about it, it's been a lifetime... except for a few years... of living in other people's spaces. Maybe it's not so extreme, but this is the thought that came to me as I was trying to clean this body in the warmish water this morning. Sigh. First world homelessness, such a lucky vagabond.

At least I woke with time for a shower and now, although bloated, ready to play ball.

Make today fun, m'ok? :)

Narf :)

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