Saturday, January 12, 2019

Alone Again, Almost

The dog joins me as soon as they leave. Dogs like being around people. I am definitely part dog in that way. The cat takes her time come over to her spot, which is my desk chair (now covered with a car seat cover, a towel, and one of my T-shirts so the chair is protected from hair, body fluids, and tears). The cat hides when the kids are here and often doesn't come out until the house is so quiet it seems empty. The eight year old is pretty rough on her, but she takes it and holds her claw in even when held precariously or dropped suddenly. The cat definitely does not like people, though she rubs my legs whenever I am in the kitchen. I don't think TA always remembers to feed her and neither animal has any sort of stable routine from what I can see. The dog and kids have two homes, which makes a stable routine challenging. Cats are generally independent, but clingy once they let you in. I am more cat than dog, but definitely relate too well to both and not enough to humans.

Anyway, I am groggy, getting little sleep, but I really should get laundry done. Maybe a nap until they get back. He said they be a few hours. Yes, a nap would be good here. Right here in my new recliner.

Nite nite :)

Narf :)

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