Thursday, January 3, 2019

No Labs, Reschedule?

Two days pass and I did not get to the labs. They will never be ready by Tuesday, again, so I should call tomorrow and reschedule the appointment. I got a lot of important stuff done at the desk today. The new orientation paperwork. Data work. all sorts of other things too. Even with brain farts on and off. I picked up the car, which was in the shop again, in the afternoon. I hope to get out of the office more tomorrow and TA wants to cook dinner, adjusting the diet to share with him while still dropping weight and maintaining proper digestive function may be tricky. Try not to stress. Continue unpacking, moving in, buy the stuff needed, recliner, bathroom, unpack the food processor and make lunches so there's less hunger for dinner. Figure out how to best use the small bedroom space to unpack. Unpacking seems to be the sticking repetitive point. Organize the space.

Time to go to softball practice. Wish you were here.


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