Monday, January 28, 2019


Another day consuming more calories than I burned, another step back into the fat zone. Today was mostly desk, though I went out to investigate an incident, poor woman fell and broke her femur and smashed her head. Looks like she tripped over her own feet, alas, but some blame the flooring. After that I headed back home to put the wash in the dryer and eat lunch, then, Walmart to exchange some bad turkey but they wouldn't let me return it without taking another and I wasn't going to leave food in the car so I took the bad turkey and it's going to wait in the car until I get back to the store. Back to work, more desk work all the way to almost 7 PM and then, home to more fried foods and too much of it, at least 600 more calories in drinks, and now, sitting and watching TV. Fat habits make fat cells make fat people. Turn it around soon, please.


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