Sunday, January 27, 2019

Working Through th Changes

There are always adjustments to changes in life. Moving is a big change. Making new friends is a big change. Sharing a house with a stranger is a big change. Sharing a house with a stranger and TV kids is a big change. Moving in with someone who says he's going to do things to make space for you to move in and be comfortable and then doesn't do them is a challenging change. You can see the details blog for more as I finally game myself some me time to look closely at the space and people around me in this new living space and I've been working through the changes and what compromises I can accept and what I must speak up about and most importantly, what I will not accept because accepting it would make me not want to live here and living somewhere you do not want to leads to conflict and I do not want to live in conflict.

Today I woke to cigarette smoke. TA smoked on the front porch because it was raining. The front porch is two feet from my bedroom and it is in an alcove that collects smoke, so opening the front door brings all of the smoke into the house and my bedroom. Stop.

It's not ok.

I spoke up because I will not breathe second hand smoke at home and I will move out it if happens again here. I passed on hundred of roommates because they listed smoking in their profile. I didn't see smoker on his roommate profile and I was not happy to find out he smoked after I paid rent and moved in and I will not live with a smoker. I started looking on the roommate website, which is very sad. I decided I am not going to unpack anything this week and wait to see if it happens again, which is even sadder. I am tired of living out of boxes. Dirty, smelly, bug-spray and mouse-pee boxes, at that. I don't like putting my life on hold again either.

He went out to get his daughter cough medicine and came back with e-cigarette stuff, then went out back to smoke that. It wasn't raining though. I thought I was gong to move in and feel like home, finally, but maybe not. We shall see how this week goes.


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