Friday, January 4, 2019

Not Necessarily Here

The thought that it's the date crossed my mind. You can be amused or concerned by clicking on the link. If you are concerned that I am mostly amused, as usual, well... try to understand me. This is one of those entries that are dropped in later cuz I am not necessarily here now, but I was earlier and I will be later and I am passing through these thoughts (and those linked in the link above and the links linked in the entry linked above and maybe... who knows... could be... why?) and wanted to may sure you knew too cuz even though I always say in case it matters somehow I feel like it really does matter to you even if you rarely (and some maybe never) ever let me know. The awkward (or down) days pass, so no worries, unless you want to.

See you later?

Narf :)

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